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Course Descriptions

HUM 130 - Introduction to the Disability Support Services Field

3 Credits

This course will provide students with an orientation to direct services in the field of disability. It will give a broad overview of the essential topics in providing direct services and address common expectations and issues direct service providers encounter in this field.

MCC General Education: MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Compare the history of disability support services to current practices through analysis of course materials.
2. Identify and explain the basic categories of disability and commonly associated characteristics.
3. Interpret individualized plans to determine services needed by consumers.
4. Describe the rationale for compliance and the important aspects of documentation to the field of disability support services.
5. Apply the rationale for documentation in the field of disability support services through the analysis of example documentation.
6. Examine research on a particular issue in the field of disability services in order to develop an argument about this issue.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025